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  时间:2014-03-03 12:27:29 浏览:1420次  [回复] [引用回复]楼主
Prior to the 20th century, the cities of present-day Xinjiang, hosting Turkic ethnicities su
ch as Uyghurs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, and persophone Tadjiks, held little unified national
istic identity. Identity in the region was heavily "oasis-based", that is, identity focused 
on the city, town and village level. Cross-border contact from Russia, Central Asia, India a
nd China was significant in shaping each oasis' identity and cultural practices.[1]

Under Qing Dynasty and Republic of China rule, a largely Uyghur, but also multi-ethnic Turki
c, based identity began to coalesce. A rebellion against Chinese rule led to the establishme
nt of the short-lived First East Turkestan Republic or Turkish Islamic Republic of East Turk
estan (1933–1934), with secret aid from the Soviet Union (Russia used consistent effort to 
annex Chinese territory since the 17th century). Sheng Shicai, a secret member of the Commun
ist Party of the Soviet Union, came into power after a military coup. He disobeyed the decre
e and order from the Chinese central government, but still ruled the region under the name o
f the Republic of China.

※ 来源:未名交友 http://www.JiaoYou8.com ※

  回复于:2014-03-03 12:33:38 [回复] [引用回复]1楼 
Sheng Shicai later became anti-Russian when he became aware of the Soviet's intent to control hi
s government. He expelled Soviet advisors and executed many Han Communists. Joseph Stalin was ve
ry angry with his convert and dispatched troops to invade Xinjiang. The Soviet troops helped the
 rebellion at Ili (Yining City) during the Chinese civil war. The rebellion lead to the establis
hment of the Second East Turkistan Republic (1944–1949), which existed in three northern distri
cts (Ili, Tarbaghatai, Altai) of Xinjiang province of the Republic of China.

After winning the Chinese civil war in 1949, the People's Liberation Army reasserted control of 
East Turkestan, ending its independence.

After the declarations of independence of the constituent republics of the area of West Turkesta
n (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) from the Soviet Union in 199
1, calls for the liberation of East Turkestan from China began to surface again from many in the
 Turkic population.[citation needed]

※ 来源:未名交友 http://www.JiaoYou8.com ※

  回复于:2014-03-04 13:06:05 [回复] [引用回复]2楼 

Those that use the term Uyghurstan tend to envision a state for the Uyghur people. Those groups 
that adopt this terminology tended to be allied with the Soviet Union while it still existed (In
deed, Russia incited and aided the rebellion in attempt to annex these regions in the future). S
ince then some of the leaders of these groups have remained in Russia, Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan,
 or have emigrated to Europe and North America. It is worth noting that none of these identities
 are exclusive. Some groups support more than one such orientation. It is common to support both
 an Islamic and Turkic orientation for Xinjiang, for example, the founders of independent Republ
ic in Kashgar in 1933 used names Turkic Islamic Republic of East Turkestan and Eastern Turkestan
 Republic the same time.

Pan-Turkic Jadidists and East Turkestan Independence activists Muhammad Amin Bughra and Masud Sa
bri rejected the Soviets and Sheng Shicai's imposition of the name "Uyghur people" upon the Turk
ic people of Xinjiang. They wanted instead the name "Turkic ethnicity" (Chinese: 突厥族; pinyin:
 tūjué zú) to be applied to their people. Masud Sabri also viewed the Hui people as Muslim Ha
n Chinese and separate from his own people.[2] The names "Türk" or "Türki" in particular were 
demanded by Bughra as the real name for his people. He slammed Sheng Shicai for his designation 
of Turkic Muslims into different ethnicities which could sow disunion among Turkic Muslims.[3]

Since 1995 the Chair of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization has been Erkin Alptek
in, the son of the Uyghur leader Isa Yusuf Alptekin.

※ 来源:未名交友 http://www.JiaoYou8.com ※

  回复于:2014-03-27 03:55:45 [回复] [引用回复]3楼 
read it later.

※ 来源:未名交友 http://www.JiaoYou8.com ※

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